Running Grimsel

Grimsel is instantiated most conventiently through the grimsel.core.model_loop.ModelLoop class. This class takes care of data input/output (through the class), model initialization (grimsel.core.model_base class), as well as parameter variation/scenario management. This tutorial provides a step-by-description how the model is initialized and run.

Note that this assumes the availability of a self-consistent set of input data. These data consist in either a PostgreSQL schema of normalized tables or a set of CSV files with the same structure (see the example files included with Grimsel on Github). The structure of the required input data is further explained in the corresponding section.

Basic imports

  • The grimsel.core.model_loop module contains the ModelLoop class which puts it all together.
  • The grimsel.core.ModelBase class is imported to access its grimsel.core.model_base.ModelBase.get_constraint_groups() method (see below). This allows to define project-specific global configuration parameters (e.g. related to database connection and input file locations).
  • The grimsel_config module assumes the existence of a file in the current working directory.
  • The logger is defined in the Grimsel __init__ file. The module level logger instance can be used to set the global logging level. Please refer to the documentation of the logging module for further details.

Defining model parameters

The model parameters are collected in a dictionary mkwargs. They are passed to the ModelLoop initializer as dictionary and serve as keyword arguments to initialize the grimsel.core.model_base.ModelBase class.

  • slct_encar: Which energy carriers to include. Any subset of the entries in the def_encar input table’s ca column. All input tables are filtered accordingly.
  • slct_node: Which nodes to include. Any subset of the entries in the def_node input table’s nd column. All input tables are filtered accordingly. In the example, two country-nodes [CH0, DE0] and two household-nodes [SFH_AA, SFH_AB] are included.
  • nhours: Original and target time resolution of all profiles in the selected nodes. The value pairs correspond to the freq and nhours parameters of the grimsel.auxiliary.timemap.TimeMap class. In the example, the country nodes have 1 hour time resolution. For CH0, this remains explicitly unchanged: (1, 1). SFH_AA and SFH_AB have 15 minute inpute data time resolution which is maintained for SFH_AA (0.25, 0.25) and averaged to 30 minutes for SFH_AB: (0.25, 0.5). In principle, any combination of time resolutions is possible. However, grimsel.auxiliary.timemap.TimeMap throws an error if the target time resolution freq is not a multiple of the input data time resolution nhours.
  • slct_pp_type: Which power plant types to include. Any subset of the entries in the def_pp_type input table’s pt column. All input tables are filtered accordingly. An empty list implies no filtering, i.e. all power plant types included in the input data are used.
  • skip_runs: If set to True, no model runs are performed and only the constructed model parameters are written to the output data. Occasionally useful.
  • tm_filt: The parameter of the grimsel.auxiliary.timemap.TimeMap class. In the example we limit the temporal scope of the model to the first day of four selected months. All input profiles are filtered accordingly.


The time filtering makes use of the grimsel.auxiliary.timemap class which defaults to the 2015 year structure. This might be import to keep in mind in case certain days of the week are selected.

  • constraint_groups: The constraint groups are the methods of the grimsel.core.constraints.Constraints class whose name follows the pattern add_*_rules. Through this model parameter it is possible to select a subset of the active constraints (e.g. to investigate infeasibilities). For convenience, the grimsel.core.model_base.ModelBase.get_constraint_groups() class method allows to select all constraint groups except for those specified by its excl parameter. The example below demonstrates the case where all constraint groups except for the chp constraints are selected. If the model is constructed with this selection, the method grimsel.core.constraints.add_hydro_rules() will not be called.

Defining input/output parameters

The input/output parameters are collected in a dictionary iokwargs. They are passed to the ModelLoop initializer as dictionary and serve as keyword arguments to the __init__ class.

Data input parameters

  • sc_inp: Name of the input PostgreSQL schema if data is to be read from the database.
  • data_path: Name of the path holding the input data CSV files if applicable.

Data output parameters

  • output_target: One of 'hdf5' (write to hdf5 file) or 'psql' (write to PostgreSQL database).
  • cl_out: Name of the output table collection. This could either be a PostgreSQL schema or an hdf5 file.
  • no_output: If True, no output is written to selected target, but only the model runs are performed.
  • resume_loop: Resume the model runs at a certain run_id. If this is False (default), the output table collection (file or database schema) is re-initialized.
  • replace_runs_if_exist: By default, if resume_loop is an integer, all output data with run_id >= resume_loop is deleted prior to the first model run. If replace_runs_if_exist is True, individual model runs are replaced instead.

General parameters

  • dev_mode: Re-initialize the output data target without the default warning.
  • sql_connector: Instance of the grimsel.auxiliary.sqlutils.aux_sql_func.SqlConnector class. This is only required if either the input reading or model output writing makes use of a database connection.

Defining model loop parameters

Apart from the iokwkargs and mkwargs dictionaries, the ModelLoop class’ only parameter is the nsteps list:

It defines the steps of parameter variations/scenarios and hence the model runs. In this example, 3 steps of both a swco axis and a swfy axis are defined, e.g. to vary the |CO2| emission price and the future years separately. The third item of each tuple (numpy functions) specify whether the corresponding axis values are defined as

  • equally spaced steps between 0 and 1 (np.linspace); this might be convenient e.g. if the emission price is to varied between 0 and an upper maximum, e.g. 100. In this case the resulting swco loop value can just be used as a multiplicator.
  • n steps (np.arange), e.g. to select discrete values (years, scenarios, etc) from a dictionary {0: 'yr2015', 1: 'yr2020', 3: 'yr2030'}

Then, the ModelLoop instance is constructed as follows:

Calling the grimsel.core.model_loop.ModelLoop.init_run_table() method generates a table with all combinations of the steps specified through the nsteps parameter above:

run_id swco_id swfy_id swco swfy swco_vl swfy_vl
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
1 1 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 NaN NaN
2 2 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 NaN NaN
3 3 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 NaN NaN
4 4 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 NaN NaN
5 5 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN
6 6 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 NaN NaN
7 7 1.0 2.0 0.5 2.0 NaN NaN
8 8 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 NaN NaN

The run_id column is the unique integer index, the *_id columns are unique step ids for each axis, the columns bearing the axes names without suffix are the results of the step type specified in the nsteps parameter (np.arange or np.linspace). Finally, the *_vl columns are actual names of the model run variations and are set later.

For detailed parameter studies this table gets quite large. It is typically filtered to limited the model runs:

run_id swco_id swfy_id swco swfy swco_vl swfy_vl
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
1 1 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 NaN NaN
2 2 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 NaN NaN
3 3 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 NaN NaN
4 4 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN
5 5 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 NaN NaN
6 6 1.0 2.0 0.5 2.0 NaN NaN

Note that the run_id column is automatically reset for any change to this table.

Model setup

A sequence of method calls is used to read the input data and to set up the model instance:

The method reads the model data from the selected data source and adds all tables to the grimsel.core.model_base.ModelBase instance.

The method grimsel.core.model_base.ModelBase.init_maps() uses the input table to generate a grimsel.auxiliary.maps.Maps object. This is based on the def_* tables and serves primarily to convert ids to names and vice versa (of nodes, power plants, profiles, etc).

The method grimsel.core.model_base.ModelBase.map_to_time_res() takes care of all model aspects related to the selected time resolution:

  • It maps all input profiles to the desired model time resolution as specified by the nhours parameter (see above). This results in a set of attributes like ml.m.df_profdmnd_soy (equivalent for the other profile tables) which are filtered according to the tm_filt parameter and have potentially reduced time resolution.
  • It generates the required tables to define the transmission between nodes, especially concerning the mapping of time slots for inter-nodal energy transmission between nodes with different time resolution.

The method writes input and runtime tables to the output data container. Runtime tables are time maps between model time slots and hours of the year.

Sets up the pyomo set objects as attributes of the :class:grimsel.core.model_base.ModelBase class.

The method :func:grimsel.core.sets.define_sets generates all necessary pyomo set objects.

The method :func:grimsel.core.sets.get_setlst generates a dictionary ml.m.setlst with the most basic sets, especially those defined by the set_def_* columns of the ml.m.df_def_plant input table:

[57, 60, 102, 103]
{57: 'DE_HYD_STO', 60: 'CH_HYD_STO', 102: 'SFH_AA_STO', 103: 'SFH_AB_STO'}

Adds all parameter, variable, and constraint attributes to the model (see grimsel.core.parameters, grimsel.core.variables, and grimsel.core.constraints, ).

The method grimsel.core.model_base.ModelBase.init_solver() initializes a pyomo SolverFactory instance. Note that assumption on the CPLEX executable are hardcoded here in dependence on the operating system. If this doesn’t work, manual manipulation is required. generates the output table handler objects and initializes the SQL tables (if applicable).

Generating a model loop modifier

Loop over model runs

Basic model data access